Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Painting the canvas of your LIFE with the colours of your choice – Don’t paint it Shabby!!

If you have for some reason not been able to connect to your inner self, then the time is now.  You will never be able to rewind the button because those moments have gone. We have come across the proverb “ Do not cry over spilt milk” – This is a simple way of telling that we cannot go back to what has already happened as that is not in our control. But we have yet another choice. We are given this set of 24 x 7 moments day in and day out, that can be made beautiful. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!! And no one can make it happen other than you.
What is there is the present and so make use of this moment, this second, this microsecond to write your Life and draw it the way you wish to. Use the colours you wish to do it.
Use colours of love, peace, harmony, good health and you will automatically attract prosperity, good health, wealth, better relationships and so on. These are raring to come to you, so allow it and see the beauty of life.  It is a complete truth and many of my friends will agree with me that what we give out, comes out to us.  We are complete reflections of the opposite person.  Just like the face is the mirror to the outside world and nothing can be hidden from the eyes, it is difficult to hide emotions and feelings.
Since reading and writing are the two passions that I cannot live without, I have been into reading a lot of stuff and to be frank, many of them have been easy to grasp and few of them truly difficult till I could reread it time and again. It is easy to read and understand human vibes and our inner intuition is something which can never go wrong, Trust me.  It has helped me greatly in reading and visualising vibes. Trusting your vibes by Sonia Choquette and the tools for the six sensory living has helped me considerably. 
If for some reason, I am upset or annoyed with someone’s behavior, I later on get the idea that somewhere I am upset with myself and not happy with myself.  Once you are on the train of being non judgemental, it means you have made a START.  Yes, there will be stations just like our railway stations, where your brain and mind takes a BREAK and this is when we slightly falter.  But as long as you have alighted the train, you are on the TRAIN BABY.
Make the Life canvas a masterpiece because at the end of the day, no one loves to see something shabby or unkempt. When you are given a huge canvas for painting and you are given time to do it, what do you do?  Do you simply use all the possible colours and try and finish off the painting in a hurry?  The answer is NO, so don’t let away a bad experience make you feel that life is bad or that you are not loved. There is lots of love if you wish to ALLOW it in your LIFE.
Signing off for now
Love and  blessings always !!! ALL IS WELL as long as you choose to believe it!!!

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