We tend to get too personal about issues and incidents in Life. I guess, it could be because at times (not always), somewhere we are not sure about ourselves and what we wish for ourselves from Life itself.
There is mental confusion and turmoil about understanding and grasping with regards to why things are going haywire only for them. They try playing the role of life victim throughout their lives.
I will give you a simple example : We keep feeding our tummy with a variety of foods and the tummy is so smart that it will just not accept foods that it does not like. You will end up either having severe acidity or you will puke. Similarly, there may be situations and people that you will come across in your life who will be either jealous of you or make you not so comfortable. The answer is that you are simply not able to relate to them. Stop over reacting as it serves no good. Haven’t we heard the saying, Ignorance is bliss !!! Similarly, you have a choice to be ignorant of these happenings in your LIFE.
When you start taking things personally, your mental tummy finds it difficult to accept it and you will yourself in a depressed situation. Get away from this mental quarrel that you are having within your brain time and again as it is not going to help or serve you in any manner whatsoever. A simple exercise that will save many of us from taking things personally and blaming ourselves for no reason is firstly try and stop being overly sensitive and emotional. At times, it may not be about us AT ALL.
Another personal observation that I have managed to capture is that there are people who really are not emotionally equipped to handle certain situations. At times, they may have not meant to hurt you or belittle you, so give them the benefit of doubt. Even when you go to buy a new product or service, they offer you a six month WARRANTY. Is it so difficult to share this warranty in this important aspect of your LIFE.
Few of them may not be as equipped to brilliantly communicate the way you do. Simply bless them for if you are blessing them, you are much more at peace.
Just imagine that we have a 2 piggboxes in our homes. Everytime someone tries to harm you through actions, words and deeds, don’t overreact. Simply bless that person, the reason being, when you are blessing that person you are receiving more than 50% of the share of his or her blessings.
The world and our global family lacks in blessings so give your share today. There is still a lot of poverty and unhappiness in so many parts of the world. I am sure many of us are trying to help them in atleast one way or the other.
Thanks for reading my blogpost so patiently.
Love and blessings always
Just a small request, when donating, close your eyes for a second, bless the money you are sending and also all the people who are receiving these donations. It’s truly value for your money.
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