Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Do not login to –It serves you no purpose

Few years back, I used to practically worry about everything, even the stupidest of things and events.  After years, I understood and comprehended events and facts and have realised that all those events made no difference to anyone and most of all ME.  This is called as Worriography in my dictionary.  Lately, I have become a great fan of Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay and I kickstart my day by reading their daily affirmations.  This has changed me slightly (not completely). Yes, I still get worried at times thinking and imagining the not so important things, but those moments are definitely very few. 
Thanks Louise Hay for introducing me to this wonderful world of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Thanks Dr. Wayne for introducing the power of meditation and MANTRA JAPA in your writings. 
So now let’s get back to what I had left at. The dictionary meaning of Worry is that act which will makes you uncomfortable in the present moment thinking of those things that have never happened, or will never happen in the future.  Please read this definition once again – close your eyes and when you understand the meaning, you will find it truly amazing that you are worrying about something that does not exist at all.  Do not eat up those NOW moments of your life by worrying.  When I think back of my life 15 years back and those things that I worried then,  I feel bad that I worried about things that were of little or no value or meaning absolutely.  
I am not going to give authority to worry in this beautiful PRESENT and repent for it 15 years from now.
Things that one worries about are not going to change the situation whatsoever, in fact, when we worry we get mentally tired which also leads to physical tiredness.  When we start worrying, it gives us little or least clarity to act in the right fashion.  It takes away our power to act practically.  I have realised over the years that my worrying is not going to change the weather, the future of my kid, monetary or financial conditions and many more things.  So why worry!!!
Wayne has suggested this wonderful exercise of designating a specific time for worry every 10 minutes a day.  It actually prepares you not to worry for the rest of the day.  Think of those things that you are worried about and mentally say to yourself that you are not going to think of those things that are not in your control.  This makes it easy for us to practice the habit and attitude of LETTING GO and not wanting to be in control always. (My previous blogpost)
So stop worrying, start living, it is more peaceful and you are light from within!!!
Luv and May all of us remain blessed!!!

Begin with this affirmation:
I am free from worries and I am leading a healthy and happy life NOW.

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