Monday, 9 December 2013

Have you had your laughter pill today – If no, please do so!!

The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”
Mark Twain
Have your seen kids laughing – they have a laugh riot and when they do so, it is absolutely wonderful.  With a lot of sermons on laughing nowadays, and thanks to the laughter clubs that are totally taking the city by a storm, laughter is back again with a bang.  Have you seen very old people laughing?  When you observe them closely, you will find that they laugh like kids, yes old age and kids are very much similar.
I love comedy serials, as long as they do not overdo it and do not pass any personal or physical comments.  With such fast paced and stressed lives, many people forget to take their dosage of laughter. The best way to make a dreary and dull day fun filled or even normal is by laughing out. This is possible with regular get togethers with family. Just the other day, we had a wonderful family get together and all of us literally laughed like MAD till our tummies ached. It’s a feel good factor.
The other day I was simply relaxing and this thought struck me.  Some day, docs would prescribe medicines and it would be named:
Laughteropol (Calpol)
Laughterpirin (Aspirin)
Laughteroxiprin( Amoxiprin )
Laughterclofenac (Diclofenac )
You will get this either in tablet form or gel form or even capsule form.  The choice is yours. Isn’t this quite funny??  The very fact that laughter clubs are being organized in the city is evidence that laughter is truly the best medicine and the sooner you buy it in bulk, it is better for you.
The doc will specifically ask you to take it thrice a day after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner of course.  Do we really need to visit the doc, pay his fees just for getting this simple prescription unless of course the doctor is so handsome?  If you want to have a check on your finances, then get your laughter pill right now and gulp it down. If this blog post has brought a smile to your face, then look into the mirror, you will automatically laugh for sure.  I can bet on that!!
Now the serious part of what laughing can do?
With age approaching, our blood pressure levels shoot up.  So laugh.
For greater blood flow, laugh.  If you are not happy with your adrenaline and cortisol stress hormone level, it means you are not laughing enough.  It has also been established that a good laugh regularly helps in fighting Alzheimer and dementia.  So what are you waiting for guys??
Till then bye !! keep laughing and may you always be on a laugh riot.  Even if someone else is serious, looking at U they will laugh. Till now, we have been exposed to terms like environment friendly, let’s now become laughter-friendly as well.
Luv always &Blessings always

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