Thursday, 24 October 2013

Loving yourself without any judgements or bias – I LOVE ME JUST THE WAY I AM!!!

Loving ourselves is the simplest thing that we can do in this world. It is actually our first nature, but we tend to put it off for some reason, thinking that we would be selfish when we love ourselves first.

In many of the online sessions that I have attended, it has been taught that when people do not like to see themselves in the mirror, it clearly indicates there is an imbalance in the energy levels. Why is it that you are ashamed to look at your own beautiful face and body? Is it because you are feeling bad for something that you have done and are not able to look into your own beautiful eyes, if that is the case, then what you need at this point in time is to forgive yourself.

Who does not make mistakes?  Committing blunders or mistakes is very HUMAN, let’s accept that first. But carrying the burden of guilt all through your life will make you physically and mentally weak.  Try removing the cobwebs from your mind; it does no good to anyone. Another thing that we need to actually permanently tattoo in our minds is that to give out love, you need to first feel loved.  Even if there is no one to love you, it’s fine, as long as you love yourself, you do not have to look outside.  I can assure you that.

I have observed that there is some quality in each and everyone that is simply unique.  Just try figuring out what your unique qualities and talents are.  You are a complete MASTERPIECE that has been created in this LIFETIME by the Master.  Accept it that you are beautiful just like everyone around. This itself will make you feel confident and you will automatically attract people who will love you just the way you are – without judging anything.

Let’s make a small start today by loving all the beautiful and unique talents that we have.



p.s.  Do things that make you feel good about yourself,  I love dancing and make sure to dance at least 10 minutes a day, it keeps me feeling fresh through the day.

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