Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Attracting into your life what you desire most – The Brilliance of our MIND

Many a times, we tend to get stuck in a certain relationship and wonder as to why we are in such a situation with a particular person.  The answer is simple and the Law of Attraction clearly explains that we have attracted these situations, circumstances and of course these relationships into our lives, either knowingly or unknowingly.  We have known this to be “destiny” and many of us have actually lived with this thought or feeling.  This thought has not benefited many of us for sure, so let’s try and do something different which is the total opposite.  Let’s try and adopt a different path where we stop accepting things and make slight changes to our life. With this little CHANGE in our lives, we will now be complaining less and living more joyfully.  
Why is it that at certain times, we are comfortable with a certain set of people or with a particular place?   Actually, we are seeing our reflection in them and we tend to attract only those people who are in the same sync with us. 

 Have you observed that some people totally zap us of our energy and they are more like a sponge who totally absorb our energy once they leave the space that we share?  Such people are referred to as energy zappers and we tend to become uneasy or totally feel tired and lethargic after they leave our space.

 You will only attract those circumstances and situations in your life that you visualize and of course what we strongly desire. We need to learn to practice the art of visualizing things what we desire.  Thoughts are like sea waves, we cannot stop them for sure. Even when we learn meditation, our gurus always teach us “Let your thoughts keep coming.  Do not stop them”.  The job of the brain is to think and create new thoughts, this cannot be stopped whatsoever.  However, you have the right to only choose those thoughts that are good for you and if there is a thought that is absolutely in tangent, choose to cut that thought or choose another positive thought over it.  Though, it will take a few initial classes, it is sure to help you.

 I too found it a little difficult and was skeptical about these so called “visualization techniques”.  To begin with, you could just start with a small visualization or the simplest of things, like a call from a dear friend or a relative, whom you wished called or you wanted to speak to that person.  Depending on how strong these feelings are, the subconscious mind would send the right signals and you will attract the right kind of situation in your life.  I know all this may sound a little too bizarre, but there is no harm in trying. You are only going to benefit out of it.  Also, I need to mention here that visualization works only for all the positive things that you want in your life, if you are going to visualize something negative for someone, it is surely not going to work out. So remember, think well and visualize good.  Let’s make the world and the Universe a better place to live not only for us but for our children as well.
 Luv you all, Remain blessed always

Signing off for now


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