Saturday, 5 October 2013

Don’t disturb – It’s my time – Ooops!!!! ME TIME.

Hey don’t disturb –It’s my time, sorry did I say My Time, Actually I meant ME TIME.  I love that time.

Remember when we were young we had something called as a hobby and it was anything from painting to colouring, listening to music, going to the garden with friends.  So why is that when we grow up, we are not able to do things -simple things that give us moments of joy and happiness.
Even listening to radio like Vividh bharati was so good.  I remember very well how we used to look forward to Chitrahaar and Chaayageet and of course Chitramala which pictured some wonderful songs even from Tamil and Malayalam.  But just when we thought that the channel showed my favorite Tamil song, it comes up with an Oriya song (no offence to any language – just that I could not understand anything what they sang).

Thanks to Radio Mirchi and 93.5, life is still quite interesting, especially when you have to travel 1800 seconds in a Mumbai local.  Listening to Radio mirchi on my travel to office is something that I look forward to, but this is minus the tons of advertisements.  But it’s fine with me, the reason being, many of the advertisements are centred around social awakening and Jeeturaj (for those who do not know is the radio jockey) does it with style and truly with a lot of conviction.  So I love the radio.  The media has truly become more like a Universe of information and data.

Hey but I should tell you something about ME time,  even sitting in your favorite spot sipping your favorite coffee or masala chai is your ME time.  Ensure no one takes it away from you.  It truly can be quite like fresh air entering your homes.  Actually, let’s start with this simple practice of doing what you love beginning today.  We all know that this is the JOYOF GIVING WEEK.  Many a times, we tend to forget what we truly want.  So let’s become joyful by gifting us our own ME time.  Doesn’t it sound wonderful?  It truly is.   But let’s also give away to people who are not as fortunate as we are.  A simple thing like treating a street kid with a Dairy Milk can truly bring the biggest and most beautiful smile you would have ever seen in your life.  Trust me, simply do it !!!!
I have identified my ME time and it is writing what I feel, reading all those wonderful books that I wanted to.  Of course, now that my daughter is grown up and I have some time on my hands, I am getting to do all this.  Another thing that I have started relating to is that one does not have to feel guilty enjoying that special time. You have the right to do what you wish to and do things that give you joy.
Another list on my itinerary is to watch all of my favorite movies like Silsila, Rafoo Chakkar, Sangam and many many movies with Ravi and bringing back all the wonderful moments once again.  Pamper yourself once in a while – it’s truly a feel good factor and it doesn’t cost much.  So get ready to chill out – at times, we forget to feel happy as we are too busy in our work life and family life. But we can always take a U turn and go through the journey once again – the journey we call LIFE.

Signing off for now

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