A lot has been said about happiness and there are wonderful writers and blogs that I have read and understood about happiness and what one should do to be happy. Even if I would have understood and related to even ten percent of what the writer wanted to convey, I will call myself lucky as I atleast have had the opportunity to chance upon their websites, blogs and writings.
It’s like doing your yoga and meditation. We know that yoga helps in keeping our minds and body healthy and free from ailments, but we also know for a fact that yoga does not give immediate results. Only when you do it consistently you will see results. Similarly, many of the wonderful written works on life, happiness may not bring about instant results like our instant Koffee, but with time, it will slowly make its entry into our brains and soul.
I follow few blogs of Dr. Wayne Dyer and also am getting to know more through his online sessions. The one thing that impressed me is that as humans the need to feel HAPPY is the strongest amongst more than 90% of the crowd and that is indeed a huge number. When people were asked what they wanted most, many of the replies boiled down to HAPPINESS.
I realized that people want to be happy and most of them are, but we somehow are not able to see it. Happiness cannot be touched, it’s a feeling and what you cannot touch is special – It’s like the Supreme power above, we know for sure that he is there around us and is able to hear us, but we can’t see him. These are few things that I am happy about in LIFE and I am sure many of you reading my blog post will also be.
A strong bonded family, friends, beautiful EYES to see the beautiful world around- the sunshine, sunset, beautiful flowers, all the wonderful movies. All the five senses are so beautifully coordinated that we are able to see, touch, hear, smell and taste. Just imagine if we did not know what a touch meant, life would be so dreary. Taste is yet another wonderful sense, I could never do without all those panipuris and dahipuris that I gulp down. The wonderful sense of hearing wherein I am able to hear all the wonderful and beautiful things happening around, wonderful songs, music, my daughter calling me out AMMA in her most innocent tone.
Every part of our body is so very special and beautiful, it’s just that we do not realise it. Just before you drift to sleep, just say a simple THANK YOU to your body for having helped you through the day. Believe me, your body is your greatest friend and treat it like one. It will remain true to its friendship.
Signing off for now
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