Just the other day I visualized a situation wherein there is a knock on my door. I go and open the door and check out who has come knocking at this unearthly hour? There is a reply coming “Hi Rekha! This is happinezz here, may I enter your home?”
This truly was like a cinema movie or a serial that was going on. I smiled to myself and I told “Yes, you may come in My Fair Lady and reside in my home and all those homes that are waiting to let you in.
Somehow she was not very happy with what I said. She immediately responded saying, no I am not very happy visiting few homes. I asked her the reason for this. She told me that many of the homes are not quite inviting when it came to welcoming her. I told her Ms. Happinezzz, you have continued to bless my home, family and friends. But there are many other people who have been waiting for you. Please visit them as well as they will be more than happy to have you in their homes.
She told me “But they are not even keen that I visit them”. I told her ”Who told you this” Will anyone not be happy that you are visiting. She said “Yes Rekha”.
I asked her what should all those people do to welcome her. She told me it was simple. They just had to have faith in her that she will visit their homes and be with them for as long as they wish her to. Tell them not to doubt me whatsoever.
I reassured her that it would not be the case henceforth as we are all waiting with arms open to welcome her. We love her so much that we want to permanently make her stay in our homes. I winked at her and told her “Ms. Happinezzz, I don’t’ mind bribing you as long as you stay in my home.
She said “Rekha I do not take bribes, but as long as you keep smiling and spreading the message of love and happiness, I will be your slave for LIFE”.
I told her “Is this all you want from your folks”. She smiled and said “That’s it”.
In return she thanked me and asked me for her favourite Koffee and I happily made it for her. She was so happy and kissed me goodbye “She said I have spread the magic and aroma of happiness in your life, it will stay here for a long long time, till I make the next visit”. I thanked her profusely and felt happy that she is going to many more homes to bless them.
So keep the doors of your mind open to welcome her IN. She comes in like a gust of cool breeze and will rejuvenate your mind and body and this is what you have been searching for since a long time.
Signing off for now
True. diseases don't come of its own. only when our body gives room it comes. same way only when we allow, sorrows enter in. its all in our hands. Mano moolam Jagath Sarvam