Tuesday, 5 November 2013

How Sorry can change relationships and make it better

Hi folks ! I am back after my Diwali break and I am sure all of you would have enjoyed Diwali in the manner in which it has to be celebrated with lots of sweets, lights, shopping etc. 

This Diwali many of those friends who have somehow not been in touch also got in touch and it felt nice.  At times, we tend to miss out on friends knowingly or knowingly. Some friends and relationships simply fade away not because we wanted it to be but simply because there would have been misunderstandings from both sides. 

A simply “Sorry” can truly makes things better and it is the first thing that can start off a conversation with someone you once knew or with someone whom you were once in touch.  Just imagine if we did not have this golden word “Sorry”.  Many of us would recollect that we were taught the golden words like Thank you, Sorry, Please, Excuse me in school.  But as years go, we somehow get so much engrossed in our routine life tht we forget the magic of these words. But thanks to wonderful self-development authors like Louise Hay, Neale Walsh, Robin Sharma, Dr. Wayne Dyer, we are getting back to ground basics.  There are many more authors who write brilliantly and who are wonderful in their own way. But I read more of these authors so thanks to them for making me stand my ground and realise my goal and purpose.

I totally am able to understand many of you who would truly feel a little uncomfortable when it came to saying sorry.  There is EGO that comes in between when we have to say sorry to someone.  But believe me, you are not going to become small by saying this.  It simply means that you are willing to let go the faults or mistakes of the opposite person and when you think in this manner, saying sorry truly becomes easier and simpler. It is not going to appear as a Herculean task absolutely.

Even relationships with parents, in laws, spouse and even your teenaged kids will become definitely better if you are able to let go and say the word Sorry.  If this blog post has even managed to make some impact and if you want to say Sorry to anyone,  please say it today.  THE TIME IS RIGHT NOW!!!!

Luv to all of you


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