Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Following your heart and your passion too!!!

How many times have we heard the saying that you need to follow your heart.  This implies that you should do those things that you are passionate about and you will automatically follow your heart.  When we were young, we did what our heart felt like doing, but as we grow up and with a lot of things that are fed into our brains and heart, we tend to somehow lose track of what our heart wanted. However, in this commercial and business world, we definitely need to survive and require money.  So do what it takes to keep yourself as well as your family happy but make time and space for what you also love to do for yourself.

But often in pursuit of material happiness, the heart takes a back place. However, with awareness about wanting to be happy and doing things that give us happiness, many of us (me included) voluntarily have chosen to go slow to also make time for what our heart desires and what our passion is.  Give some time to your heart as well and see how beautiful life turns out to be.

It will not take much time to sit down and identify what exactly your mind wants. With a month and more for this year to end and the New Year approaching, take some time, sit down and find out what your passion is. Even devoting few minutes daily to it will help you achieve your goals for the New Year. It is not as tough as we presume it to be. It all begins with writing down.  If you are not able to gather your thoughts immediately when you sit down, you could take some time off and it could be your time when you are travelling in the train or your car or having your Koffee. 

I have always believed that writing makes a huge impact on our mind. It is like your brain taken a photocopy of your thoughts and these make powerful impressions on our mind. Whenever I want my mind to permanently remember something, I write it down. It has always worked for me and I am sure it will continue to be so.  Coming back to the passion quotient, I would love to again rekindle my passion for singing, something I always loved doing passionately and that I had religious joined classes at some point in time. But with responsibilities, this passion somewhere dwindled and it did take a sabbatical. However, this desire to learn new things in life has always been something I have always been excited about in life and will surely continue to stay with me forever.

Dream big, live your passion and stay HAPPY always!!!



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