Amitabh Bachchan, the greatest Indian Actor,once said that he has butterflies everytime he gives a shot, be it for a new movie, an advertisement or even for a campaign. Every individual is like that. There is anxiety filled when things are new and one is keen in giving the best every time. The hard work, dedication and perseverance of Amitabh is something that makes him command respect and I completely adore him.
Reading and Writing has always been my passion. I could just keep reading for hours together and I remember how during my school and college days, I used to read Women’s Era. I used to go for the second hand books as the first hand ones were expensive. I used to literally wait for the editions of WE. Few articles used to get repeated but there was a thrill in reading WE on rainy afternoons once I was back from college tucking myself inside the comforter. My happiness knew no bounds. Few of the characters in the stories touched my heart a lot. It made me think how wonderfully the stories were written and I always used to think that one day I would write. Would write just for the thrill of it, voicing out my innermost feelings about life, relationships and everything that I felt and experienced.
For me writing this 100th blogpost is giving me butterflies. There are mixed emotions, I am happy as well as a little confused as to what to pen. But I want to keep it simple. The journey of writing a blog has been quite fulfilling and I everytime I sit down to write, thoughts and memories becomes fresh. Rewinding past memories of school, my first job, first salary, the first crush, my first debate, first prize and every happy moment is something that I keep rewinding and going through. It is important that each one of us take out few minutes of our life and rewind those wonderful memories, I am sure you but can’t stop smiling.
My Milan trip was one such trip that gave me jitters as well as excitement and a proud feeling. The travel in the bus from the apartment to the office was pleasant, at times it drizzled. The walk to the nearby park during the lunch break was soothing. The cold winds made the atmosphere really wonderful. The calls I made from Milan to Mumbai during those breaks in that park with so much to talk to are something that I will always remember. Counting the days when I would be back in Mumbai is something that I looked forward to. Few experiences and incidents in life are such that it leaves a lasting mark in our mind and soul. The manner in which my little princess rummaged my bags to check what I had bought from Milan is something that brings a smile on my face. I remember I used to do the same when my Appa used to be back from office and I always felt there was something for me in his briefcase. It could be a simple thing like a new pen or a new notebook. Even now the thought is so fresh in my mind as if it has just taken place yesterday.
Even simple things like getting wet in the rain, eating bhutta, watching a romantic movie with Maddy are things that cannot be expressed in words. Shopping with my daughter at Hill Road, eating Ragda Pattice and Pani puri at Elco is something that cannot be compared to the fine dine restaurants (of course these are my thoughts). Walking down the Mulund market which is perpetually busy and shopping for clothes and chunky jewelry is something that I till date enjoy and I pray that I continue to do so and my interest lasts. Last but not the least; eating the dabheli and having the heavenly sugar cane juice is something that satiates my soul completely.
Having said that I will like to say a big Thanks to all those people who look forward to reading my blogposts and getting back to me with messages, SMSes and private messages. All your likes and comments are etched in my heart and I will continue to write.
Thanks to all you wonderful people.
Keep loving me and blessing me always!!