I loved this line and somewhere there were mixed feelings, I felt sad as well as happy. These 24 hours of joy and bliss that we are showered on day after day is something that is so beautiful. I want to use it and enjoy every minute of it. At times I wonder about how days, weeks and months pass and I have voiced this to Maddy (my husband). I know that these moments spent with my hubby, my daughter, my family, my friends are never going to come back. This is true for everyone of us. But how many of us even sit back and think. Yes, it is true when we think of this, we may get depressed, that’s the negative side to it. But if we are able to comprehend that this life is precious and that every morning we get up thinking that we are alive, we will never ever want to waste it.
Life is available for a limited time, why spend it judging others, feeling jealous, being greedy and thinking of those unpleasant moments that make us feel low. It’s good to make a shift in terms of our thinking as it lightens us from inside, makes us feel happy and helps us live the life we wish to and on our terms.
I remember my Father (Appa) used to always say “ Rekha, live life on your terms and make sure in the process you do not end up hurting any one’s feelings and emotions” . These words of my Dad are like permanent impressions on my soul and when my soul takes another form, it is surely not going to forget these life teachings. I am proud that I am trying to incorporate a lot of these in my daily routine and every day is a success for me. Trying to live for the moment, second, minute, hour and day is certainly adding years to my beautiful life and I am truly savoring every minute of it. Certain proverbs truly have a great impact on our lives because it has a lot to do with the manner in which they have been explained to us in our childhood.
I am a big fan of Leo Babauta who writes wonderfully and am inspired by a lot of his thoughts. We are scared about the future when we actually do not know what the future holds for us. The moment we start judging things and situations around us, we create negativity, that’s where we tend to weave the web of negativity. The more we weave, the more we let go of our identity. The Real YOU gets lost somewhere and in the process we lose ourselves. But it is still possible to bounce back and that is within our control for sure. I believe in bouncing back quickly after every fall, be it small or big – I guess that’s what makes me strong, from within and outside.
So folks !! Enjoy life, take each day as it comes, never lose out those small beautiful times.
Blessings Always!!
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