Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Certain chapters of life are best left unpublished

Yes, there are times all of us have passed through in our lives which are not as happy and I choose to define these as lean periods of our lives.  These times when recalled are similar to raking up the wounded memories or something like visiting a graveyard.  I personally feel these are like those stories and events of an author’s life which he or she chooses not to publish.  These incidences may be wonderful content for books, but as long as you are able to keep the author anonymous, it is fine!!!
These could be actually very important memories where the person would have suffered within his heart. It could be anything like a heartbreak, a failure in examinations, aggressive nature resulting in physically abusing or being physically abused, inability to cope with the changes in the society  - it could be anything !!
Physical abuse has been quite a subject of discussion nowadays but I am sure it would have had existed even many many years back, it could just be that the boy or the girl never had the guts to speak about it. With changing society and the internet pouring us with a flood of information, it is definitely not taboo now to speak of all these delicate issues.  This period (and I must say) that all of us are lucky to be in this era is seeing a sea of changes, mostly positive. For the number of emails and private messages that I have been receiving mostly from teenaged girls and women, I can see for myself that there is a lot of openness in the mind and thoughts. These are positive changes and keep the flow going. There are people who I do not know my face writing to me,  but I know for sure that whatever I am sharing is definitely making a change in their lives, I am happy for that.
I hope this blogpost would reach all those people who are feeling guilty for some reason about the past and are carrying a huge backlog of unhealthy emotions and feelings.  Please dust the past as it is not going to help you remain happy. If those thoughts are not going to help you or anyone, please don’t publish it to the world!!!   Honestly!!! It’s not going to help you ease the problem.
Love and blessings always!!

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