Friday, 29 May 2015

My Small Platter of Words – Living It Up

Heya all, Am back after a longggggggggggggg lull and this could have been the longest break I would have taken from writing.

Just got tied up with few things, had something new to learn and stuff to be completed.

There are many small things and events in life, which may just come and appear before us just like a fairytale dream. For me these are dreams, that I would have surely imagined at some point. It could be just anything from meeting someone new in the office, exchanging conversations, have a cuppa coffee with your school friend or just as simple as eating a roadside vadapav, listening to a beautiful music note and making me go completely orgasmic.

These are the little things that pep me up and am happy that keeps me going.  Honestly, don’t know what to write, but it’s just that starting problem after this so called break.  I always have identified this connect with people – absolute strangers, but when we start conversing with them, the flow of words is absolutely natural like long lost friends.  Many a times, many amongst  us would have come across this sort of a feeling. What is this? They call it chemistry in today’s lingo. Without the slightest blink of the eyelids, we tend to link chemistry to the physical aspect.  Let’s think out of the box!  If I am made of energy and I am connecting with you, our energies are meeting and the CHEMISTRY strikes.  Am sure there are more takers for this. I call it the hormonal crush trying to go a little haywire..  Oops ! this is no medical terminology.  This is from my small platter of words.

What is that connect which connects me to people? Why do we connect to some people and are absolutely in sync with them.  We do connect to people who may be many many years younger to us or may be much older to us, but it’s as if we have known them for years.  This happens and if we jog our memory, we will find that life can be really strange at times.

If the connect had to be just between two people sharing the same age, I am unsure of what the world would have looked like. If age is a number, so be it !!! It’s good for the Maths lovers.

So let’s enjoy all that is new and exciting and live it up because LIFE IS ALL ABOUT LIVING

Loads of Luv,


p.s. Someone told me anything connected to life is spiritual.  It made me smile and am still thinking!!!