Thursday, 26 March 2015

Mesmerize Life Such That It Can’t Take Off Its Eyes Off You


Heya! Does this ring a bell or does it sound as if someone is telling you this.  Life tells you this in one way or the other through varied incidences that you go through. But do we listen or are we aware of what it is telling?  Yes, we do get to hear these murmurs on and off as gentle reminders which we just tend to shrug off. We wait for all life for the perfect time, day, week, month, year….  Totally unaware of the fact that the time gone is gone and it is never going to rewind itself, just because you have now become aware that the time gone is gone.

So what do we do about these? Let’s be honest. We have one life and we all want to live it like there’s no tomorrow. But we try and put it off? Reasons could be anything – may be doubt, fear or may be just laziness.  Do we have the time to let go off it.  I don’t think so.  Life just happens and in between the happening, we sort of tend to live or we assume we are living.

Come to think of it, we ask too many complicated questions to Life little realizing that the answers to those may be simple. The time to live completely is NOW.  Life turns back at you and has to say:

Yeah, she is one of a kind
She feared no one; she was not a hypocrite,
She spoke her mind out
She laughed like no one’s watching
I swear “Can’t take off my eyes off her”.
She surprises me every time, I challenge her.
Yes, she is one of a kind

I am not ashamed to say
I am in love with her
And I fear I may lose her
Holy Cow, what’s happening?
Yes, she is one of a kind

But I am not ready
She swept me off my feet
I am mesmerized by her
I challenged her though
Yet, she has a twinkle in her eyes
Yes, she is one of a kind

What is this challenge about
Am I being challenged
If it’s a challenge, so be it
Yes, she is one of a kind

I love her like nobody’s business
Yes, she is one of a kind

 ...................  Rekha Mahadevan

Live life, Love life     


Wednesday, 25 March 2015


I have taken this quote from one of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s quotes and I love this quote. Everytime I read and re-read it, this does make sense to me and I love to enter into the gravity of it and understand it and want to understand it even better the next time.
All of us in some point in our lives have been let down by own friends, family (whom our world revolves around) and there is so much we expect from them – could be knowingly or unknowingly.  Over time, we do get possessive about people, things and situations in life.  We want things and people to behave in a particular fashion, just because we may not want to leave our comfort zone or be treated in a particular manner. So is this right or wrong?  May be right, may be wrong!
What if we expect less?  There is space or may we call it “THE VACUUM” when we expect less from others.  Use this vacuum in a positive way and fill it up with activities that you have always wanted to do, checking out places that you wanted to go, but never got the time because you were just engulfed in that small sphere that you had created. When one gives space, it is easier to breathe and you are also allowing the other person to breathe without being too possessive.
There are times when we do not feel one with the family, one with friends, one with office colleagues. I call these BLUE days.  “BLEED BLUE” sounds so energetic right? – Yayyy Cricket !  But when BLUE is spelled just as it is, it does not sound really good, isn’t it? Start accepting BLUE as something nice as it gives time to understand your own self. At times, being with oneself is truly enigmatic and exotic - try it out !
“Expect/Expectation” is indeed a heavy word and if this heavy word takes over you, it may not be always a pleasant experience.  When you delete this from your life dictionary, you are shedding a lot of weight from your life.!  Though, easily said than done, it works.  Wish it was true for our physical weight as well –hahaha – jokes apart!!
It took time for me to delete the “Expecations” and fill it up with joyful VACCUM, micron by micron.  This does work and it works wonderfully provided you allow it to make an entry.
p.s  I love every thing about BLUES

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Speak to your Body and Soul- They are waiting to hear you out

This is just something that I have been thinking of since many days.  Out of the 24 hours that we have in a day, we have all the time to listen to one and all, our husband, our kids, our office colleagues, neighbours…. The list goes on.  How many times have you spoken to your own body and soul?  I haven’t done it all these years, but yesterday was something different.
There are so many things that our body and our inner self want to convey to us, but we are so busy in our schedule that we try and put it off -  No, procrastinate it, I would say. May be we could define our body as a child.  Just imagine the child has so many things to share to their mother once the day is over.  We try and squeeze time to listen to our kids, because somehow we want them to be happy and you can see the glee on their faces when they recite the day’s incidences to us.  Why not apply the same rule to our body that takes all the trouble to swim us through the entire day, week, month, years... 
Out of the 24 hours, even if we spend atleast 24 minutes in a day, speaking to ourselves and expressing gratitude to our wonderful body, don’t you think it will not respond back to us?  Oh! 24 minutes is a slightly longer time I agree, may be just break it down into 12 minutes a session, I bet that’s not too much demanding for sure.
I am beginning to realize this very honest truth and consciously made an effort to thank each and every part of my body to tell that I simply love you for bearing me through this journey, helping me do all the things that I wish to do and gracing me with the abundance of so many emotions and feelings. Had it not been for the mind and brain, I would never in this life time been able to savour this beauty called LIFE.
When I was doing this consciously, even without my realizing, tears welled up and I did not know why.  May be I had never thanked my body good enough and I am realizing it only when I am 40+.  But it’s never too late to start anything.  Be in a Meditative state is what I have heard from many.  For me yesterday, speaking to myself and my body felt as if I was in a meditative state and I loved it completely and it was blissful.
Love you all,