Sunday, 25 May 2014

The Power of 70:30 ratio- Think about it !!!!

I have the same number of hours in a Day that Beyonce has !!!

I recently read a wonderful article about the rule of 70:30 and I was thoroughly impressed.  With common sense prevailing in me most of the times, I have always believed in the theory of 70 to 30.  But at times, the monkey mind goes on a tangent and my mind keeps swaying.  The easiest thing for me to try and cover this with a rhetoric “I am human”.

I actually did an inventory of the stuff that I have got and believe me close to 60% are things that I hardly use or use very rarely. There are stuff that gets accumulated, savings that are going to go unused.  There are moments when we love to do something but think of how our bank balance will take a drop.  Don’t do this!!! There is never ever going to be a rewind button in your LIFE.  So do what you wish to as this segment of life is not going to return back to you, even if you wish to.

We work hard for money, freeze it up in Fixed Deposits and compromise on time that we could have beautifully spent for our family and friends.  There is no intention to undermine or underestimate the importance of money and I will never do so, having personally gone through monetary crisis early in my teens.  So I genuinely understand how important money can be.

Having said that, these 86400 seconds of Life that we get everyday are truly wonderful.  With every day that passes, these many number of seconds get deducted from our lives. The reason for me to state this humongous figure of 86400 is not to depress you or myself but to simply get back those chords of life that we somehow have ignored or have forgotten. It’s better to be late than never.

So think about it !!

Luv to All


Friday, 23 May 2014

She is Shakthi !!!!– I see her in the form of a Mother, Sister, Daughter

The reason for me to define my conscience as Goddess is just that I am able to relate to the feminine form, Shakthi.  There is peace in me when I think about her, see her and it is this reason that draws me to the temple, irrespective of whether she is a presiding deity or not. 
When I visit the temple on Tuesdays and Fridays, the first thing that I want to see is how beautiful she looks in the beautifully draped saree with vibrant colors like red, blue, orange, yellow and green.  These are colors that I personally love. There is a sense of calmness and peace that I get when I see her and my entire being is filled with contentment.  I love to read the Mahisasuramardini stothram and the Lalitha Sahasranamam. It is more out of love and a sense of belonging when I read them and not merely to satiate the religious beliefs that I read the shlokas. 
I recently read an article on scientific reasons to visit the temple and it somehow configured with my thinking as well.  The positive energy emitting from the lamps that are lit, the fragrance of the flowers and the camphor being lit somehow create the right vibrations and energy that we somehow may or may not experience in our homes. 
This is one thing I have wanted to write since a long time.  For me another beautiful aspect of visiting the temple is to dress up beautifully, wear flowers and wear something that makes me feel good.  Everytime I wear something new, I want to go and show her (The Devi) what I am wearing. It gives me a feeling that I am visiting my home and showing it to my own Mother.  Believe it or not, I have a feeling that the Devi has a twinkle in her eyes and she smiles back at me and there is happiness from within.
I see her as a friend, a sister, a mother, a daughter –She appears to be in every FORM.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Accept and Appreciate your INDIAN Curves - Confidence is skin deep and FLESH DEEP too.

The very reason for me to write on Curves on this blog is for many of my friends and women out there who are not happy with their bodies.  I have a lot of my friends complaining about the bulges and a little flab here and there and literally leading their lives with the only motto of LOSING WEIGHT.  Many out there are not happy with their bodies for whatever reasons.  It’s a sincere request from my side that we need to change our thinking and just see how wonderfully our body responds.  Sending out wrong signals to our body is only going to cause more stress and depression.
I come across a lot of teens nowadays who starve themselves and want to look as thin and skinny trying to ape the West.  With no offence meant to anyone, I personally feel that as Indians we are endowed with a beautiful skin and well-endowed body.  For me, an Indian woman is blessed with the right curves, a beautiful body and each one of us need to be proud of it.  Curves have been and will always remain and the sooner we accept it, the easier it is going to be for us.
Trends would come and go, but CURVES STILL RULE.  A healthy complexion, be it a wheatish complexion or a tanned skin is going to look beautiful on the Indian woman.   There is absolutely no need for us to ape the West.  The Westerners have  mind of their own.  Let’s have ours too.  We have seen most of our celebrities and media representing INDIA at the International level wearing the six yard wonder and looking absolutely stunning in it. I feel happy when I see them receiving awards and accolades and speaking with such confidence and carrying themselves so perfectly.
Just like me, many of my friends are comfortable carrying a Western outfit as well as a saree so confidently and brilliantly.  It is difficult for me to imagine a Westerner wearing a saree minus the curves. 
So be confident in your skin, flesh and mind.  Be happy with your curves as we are blessed to be born in this beautiful country with good climate, 4 seasons and lot of sunshine.  Everything about India is beautiful and natural. So why not your curves ?  Think about it  !!!!
Signing off for now!!!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Amma Pleazzzzzzzzzzzz- The Umbilical Cord connect

"Amma" Pleazzzzzzzzzzzz- The Umbilical Cord connect

First of all wishing all mothers a very very Happy Mother’s Day
After a break, I am here wishing all the Mothers on this beautiful planet a very very Happy Mother’s Day. On this day, I want to thank my "Amma" for having given me this beautiful life.  Most of the times, life has been fair to me and of course beautiful and during the not so beautiful times, I call out “Amma Please”.  For me she is the placebo, when she is around and when I just see her I feel good.  Just like any other child, I have my bouts of fights, arguments and bouts of moods, but she is there for me, I know.

The mother daughter relationship strengthens when we become mothers.  We are able to relate to her in a better fashion.  The same is true for me as well.   The relationship that I share with my daughter is different from the one that I share with my mother.  I am her mother, friend, confidante (most of the times). 
A woman has the natural instincts of a mother even when she is very young.  She plays the role of a mother when she is an elder sister and has siblings around. She again becomes a mother to her parents when they are aging.  She also plays the role of a mother to her husband.  We have multifaceted roles to play and MOTHERS are truly a rare species.

When we are down are not feeling good about ourselves, the first person to know that we are not okay is our mother.  What is this connect, it is the umbilical cord connect which only a mother and child knows.  When we are happy, they are happy, when we are sad, her heart cries.  The magic of the umbilical cord is such that we can never separate ourselves from our mother.
The only day when your mother smiled when you cried-  Such a beautiful statement made by Dr. Kalam. 

Love you so much "Amma" for being there for me always!!

Love to all and love your moms, you only get one life and one MOM.
Rekha Mahadevan